Understanding Hot Water Systems: Types and Their Benefits

9 November 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Hot water systems are an integral part of daily life, providing the comfort of warm showers and facilitating various household tasks. With a myriad of options available on the market, it can be challenging to choose the right system. This blog aims to shed light on different types of hot water systems and their benefits, making the selection process less daunting. Types of Hot Water Systems Storage Water Heaters Storage water heaters are the most common type found in Australian homes. Read More 

The Five Stages Of Replacing a Hot Water System

18 July 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Replacing a hot water system is a task that requires specialist skills and is, therefore, something that is best carried out by a qualified plumber. In Australia, installing boilers, for example, is regulated so you could fall foul of the law if you attempt this work yourself. Read on to learn more about the processes involved in hot water system replacement. System Drainage The first step is to drain the old hot water system so that it can be removed. Read More