3 Tips for Buying the Right Heat Pump for Your Residential Pool

28 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Pool heat pumps allow users to enjoy pool activities beyond the summer months. A reliable heat pump makes it possible for individuals to swim in the colder months of spring and autumn. However, to extend your pool season, you need to buy the right heat pump for your swimming pool. Below are three tips to consider when shopping for the equipment.

Size your heat pump correctly

There's no standard heat pump size for residential pools. Even homeowners with the same pool size and capacity may need different heat pumps depending on other factors. Therefore, as you choose your heat pump, consider these factors:

  • Size of your pool: The right heat pump should take around 24 to 48 hours to heat water. However, the runtime depends on the size of your pool. For faster and efficient heating, match your heater capacity to the pool's volume.
  • Location of the pool: Pools installed in windy locations lose a lot of heat to the atmosphere. Thus, the pools require bigger heat pumps to maintain the pre-set temperatures.
  • Desired temperatures: Some pool heat pumps can comfortably heat water to around 35 degrees Celsius, while others can only attain a temperature of about 28 degrees Celsius. Choose a heat pump whose heating capacity matches your needs.

Your heat pump's ability to maintain the pre-set temperature depends on whether you use a pool cover at night and during the colder days. Without a cover, even a perfectly sized heat pump may struggle to meet your heating needs.

Choose an inverter pool pump

There are two types of pool heat pumps: on-off heat pumps and inverter heat pumps. On-off heat pumps are the conventional models. They switch on and off during each heating cycle to heat the water and maintain its temperature. An on-off heater runs at full capacity every time it is on; thus, it consumes more energy.

Inverter heat pumps have a variable speed compressor. Instead of running at full capacity, the compressor speed varies depending on the heating needs. When the water attains the pre-set temperatures, the compressor speed reduces to low. At a lower setting, the heater maintains water temperatures without consuming as much energy as it would at a higher setting.

Check the quality of components

A heat pump is a significant investment. Therefore, the best equipment should come with quality components that can withstand the chemicals in pool water. Some materials corrode or wear prematurely when exposed to chlorine, bromine, pH stabilisers, salts and other pool chemicals. As you buy a heat pump, look for one with anti-corrosive components. Stainless steel and titanium are great corrosion-resistant materials for pool equipment.

For professional advice on buying and installing a pool heat pump, consult a pool heat pump supplier
