Why Install an Unvented Hot Water System

10 November 2015
 Categories: , Blog

You might be thinking about installing a new, or modifying an existing, hot water system to supply mains pressure warm water at your faucets. This system is also referred to as pressurized hot water, and you stand to profit from having balanced cold and water supplies. It is advantageous for larger homes where there are several bathrooms that may be used concurrently, although it benefits smaller homes as well. If you are thinking of installing a new unit or upgrading your old hot water system, then consider unvented hot water system installation. Read More 

3 Commercial Plumbing Items of 2015 You Should Consider Installing

14 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Are you currently thinking about making a plumbing upgrade for your commercial structures? Well, you're certainly thinking in the right direction since now is a good time to improve your commercial plumbing system with the new products available on the market. So, what are some of the most striking new plumbing products that 2015 has to offer for your commercial settings? Granite sinks You have perhaps not heard about graphite sinks because they aren't a common application in many commercial environments. Read More